A converted detached wood garage-cum tool shed into a multi-use space for dinner parties, meditation, yoga, and art lectures - it is a structure that has been "re-imagined" into a piece of liveable art.
Paying homage to the original building, old walls were salvaged for the flooring, sections of which can be lifted to reveal embedded mattresses for sleeping or daytime lounging.
This 'hide-and-reveal' theme plays out also with the custom
Corian bookshelf that converts into a speakeasy-style-bar for entertaining.
Light is partially filtered by slats of reclaimed wood interspersed in an alternating void-solid pattern.
LED panels cover the interior bands of structural steel, giving off a sleek, futuristic vibe that contrast with the wood floors' roughness and antique wood stove.
Sections of the original garage walls are left in place, as a kind of relic. “The new building becomes a theater to watch the old one decay around you.”