The existing estate will be transformed from a deprived backwater into an integrated neighbourhood with traditional streets and squares. (via)(architects)
“The Mobile Transit Lounge is a welcome addition to the urban fabric of the city, with its distinctive folded form that has the potential to play out at different scales. It also offers a fresh identity to the changing face of transport in Auckland.”
The structure, which is made of a pleated box of structural cross-laminated timber planes that unfold acts as both a viewing platform, lounge, cafe and bike hire pavilion.
Additionally an interactive multimedia noticeboard is included inviting engagement from it's users.
The proposed design encourages people to explore the city through public transport, whilst providing a space of engagement.
Here is an article by John Held, which reflects on deskilling and reskilling in the profession. Have architects lost the role of ‘trusted advisor’? What do low registration rates mean and what skills do we need to be effective in the future?
Darren Jessop designed New Zealand's first passive house based on principles prevalent in Germany in the 1980's. For more...Read the blog (describing the construction) here. Read the Building Design article here. See a newspaper article with video on the house here, and an article in Architecture Now.
Below is a video summarising the "passive" home principles:
From this experience, Jessop has now created Cool House, a collection of "modern" or contemporary factory-built or modular home kitsets. But obviously still giving the option for a fully customised "architectural" home also. See Jessop's "cool house" collection below:
And here is a great podcast at Homestyle Green with Elron Burrell from Architype (expat NZ'er) about "passivehausing" and the importance on investing in quality construction from the outset.